Thursday 26 April 2007


Thursday 26 April 2007
Sir Alan: All you lot had to do was take some bloody photographs and sell them in a gallery. Natalie, you were project manager, what went wrong?
Natalie: Erm... we didn't sell as much as the other team?
Sir Alan: Well, yeah, obviously. So why not?

Lohit: I think, Sir Alan, that we were too touchy-feely about it all.

Sir Alan: So you were too soft?

Lohit: Yes, pretty much.

Sir Alan: Natalie, were you too soft?

Natalie: Well, no...

Sir Alan: So Lohit's a liar?

Natalie: I'm not saying he's a liar. I think that, maybe... yes, we could have been a bit more forceful.

Sir Alan: Adam, you've been quiet, what do you think?

Adam: Well, I sold a painting so I think I'm safe this week.

Sir Alan: You think if you open your mouth you risk putting your foot in it?

Adam: Yeah.

Sir Alan: Right. Well, you did sell something. So maybe you're right to think that. Lohit, what did you do all day?

Lohit: I made the stickers for the paintings.

Sir Alan: Which were wrong!

Lohit: Yes.

Sir Alan: The artist came down, didn't she -- and told you lot to get your act together!

Lohit: I also helped put some blu-tac on the walls, to cover all the marks and holes. I opened some paint, too.

Natalie: No, I did the paint.

Lohit: Yeah, but I got the screwdriver to prise off the lid. Without me the whole task would have failed.

Sir Alan: Right, right. Natalie, how many paintings did you sell?

Natalie: None. But I've got a M.B.A.

Sir Alan: Good on ya, but that doesn't mean shit to me.

Natalie: It stands for Master of Business Administration.

Sir Alan: I know what it stands for, darlin'.
Lohit, why shouldn't I fire you?
Lohit: Did I mention the blu-tac?

Sir Alan: Adam, why shouldn't I fire you?

Adam: Because I was the only one who actually sold anything, Sir Alan. Oh, and I'm probably one of only four decent characters on this series worth watching for. Think of the ratings.

Sir Alan: Hmmm. Natalie, why shouldn't I fire you?

Natalie: I'm a woman. I've got a M.B.A. I have kids to feed.

Sir Alan sighs, deeply.

Sir Alan: Okay, here's how it goes. Lohit... you've done pretty much bugger all so far, in any of the tasks; you cocked up the stickers and you didn't sell anything. But... you've got a funny name.

He sighs deeper.

Sir Alan: Adam. You're right, you sold something. Just try not to drag the atmos down with your monotonous voice so much, okay?

Adam nods, sitting back.

Sir Alan: Now, Natalie. I admire the fact you've got a Master of Biblical Accounting whatsit. But, you were project manager, I think you're out of your depth, your name's not funny, that spot under your nose seems to be getting bigger each week and I think your kids are missing you. So... I'm sorry... but you're fired.

Adam, Lohit and Natalie get up and leave. Natalie turns back.

Natalie: Thank you for the opportunity, Sir Alan.
Sir Alan: No, thank you. Now mind the door doesn't smack your arse on the way out.