Monday 11 June 2007

Monday 11 June 2007

Ever heard of the Hollywood Film Choral Sound Effects Choir? No. They're also known as the Honda Choir in some circles. Beginning to ring a bell? Yeah, you know them -- the guys that worked on that famous Honda advert. The one where they duplicate various sounds of a car, vocally. Yes, them!

Well, you may like to visit their website here. It's pretty interesting. They're responsible for most of the choral musical cues in films (they must get a lot of work from Danny Elfman!), as well as appearing in films as choirs for church scenes, etc. Oh, oh -- they also do the "Theee Siiimpsoooons...." bit at the beginning of every Simpsons episode!

You may have missed their sound effects set to movie clips at this year's Oscars. If so, take a look below. It's pretty cool work...