Friday 16 December 2011

Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill to leave DOCTOR WHO in series 7

Friday 16 December 2011

Speaking at the press screening of Doctor Who's Christmas special, showrunner Steven Moffat confirmed that Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill will be leaving the show at some point during series 7 next year.

Steven Moffat, executive-producer:

"The final days of the Ponds are coming. It's during the next series. I'm not telling you when and I'm not telling you how. That story is going to be a heartbreaking one. [The Doctor will be] taking a new friend [but] I'm not going to tell you anything about he, she, or it."
Matt Smith, actor:

"[Karen and I] took over the show and we really had to hold hands and help each other through it. It's very disappointing. But this show is about change and regeneration."
How do you feel about losing both Amy Pond and Rory Williams from the show? Despite some flaws in the character of Amy, I still think she's been one of the most successful nu-Who companions, and Rory has arguably been the best. They will both be a loss, no doubt about it, but it's also exciting to see who will next be travelling with The Doctor. In nu-Who terms, the Ponds have actually stuck around for much longer than expected. Even Billie Piper only appeared for two series, so Gillan and Darvill have already equaled her record.

Fire away with your thoughts below!